The British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology (BSACI) is the UK’s leading national professional and academic society representing the specialty of allergy and clinical immunology. It is the UK’s professional voice for allergy which over the years has grown to be a major force in allergic medicine in the UK.
BSACI provides an interface across many disciplines, professions and specialties in the field of allergy. It is home to a wide range of healthcare professionals, patient organisation representatives and patient advocates. It has over 1,000 members working across many medical specialties including Allergy, Clinical Immunology, Science, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Allied Health, Dietetics and Primary Care.
It is estimated that a third of the UK population are living with an allergic disease with more than five million of these severe enough to require specialist care. Access to allergy care remains inadequate in the UK with very few allergy specialists in the NHS workforce. BSACI has an ambitious strategy which will help us deliver those aims to improve the management of allergies and related diseases of the immune system in the UK, through education, training and research. Our policy work is represented through the National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG) whose key aims are to build on the recommendations laid out in the 2021 report – ‘Meeting the Challenges of the National Allergy Crisis’, with the focus of representation for Allergy at a high level of the DHSC and the development of a National Allergy Strategy.
BSACI Membership
There are many benefits to being a BSACI member including opportunities to work with colleagues to influence health policy and drive improvements in clinical practice. Being part of the BSACI network gives members access to a wide range of expertise and opportunities to play an active role in shaping the future of allergy in the UK and collaborate with our international partners.
BSACI members have access to the official journal of the society Clinical & Experimental Allergy which publishes clinical and experimental observations in disease in all fields of medicine in which allergic hypersensitivity plays a part. BSACI members receive a 20% discount off APC (Author Publishing Charge). Members receive bi- weekly news updates, access to BSACI Guidelines, and as a member you will be consulted on draft guidelines and be able to suggest future guideline topics.
BSACI Standards of Care Committee (SOCC) oversees the development of all BSACI guidelines, which are developed using the NICE methodology for which BSACI has accreditation. BSACI NICE accredited guidelines are free to access and published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy (CEA).
Members have opportunities to advertise jobs/meetings (for academic members) on the website with a possible email alert to the membership. Members are eligible to nominate others for awards and lectures and stand for nominated BSACI positions that are vacant. Members have full voting rights. Discounts to meetings, including the BSACI Annual Conference and discounted room hire rates at head office in Battersea. A full list of member benefits can be found here.